what we're about.
reflect is a digitally mindful chrome and firefox extension that
encourages users to reflect on their relationship with technology.
when you attempt to visit distracting websites, reflect will ask you what your intention in doing so is.
if you have a valid reason, you are given a set amount of time to get your work done on the website. if
not, you are encouraged to be more specific in your answer or to reflect further.
our philosophy.
reflect takes a different approach from other website blockers. instead of going cold turkey, we choose to be more mindful by supporting users in accessing websites when they need to, not blocking them off entirely. our mission is to help people work distraction-free with more intention and purpose.

our features.

you select websites you’d like to block. lots of buttons and knobs for you to customize reflect so it works for you.

privacy first.
everything stays on your computer, none of your data ever leaves your laptop. your browsing habits will stay exactly that: yours.

always free and open-source. find something that doesn't work or have a suggestion? you contribute or view our source code on GitHub.

This app is so underrated and definitely needs more downloads. It helps me stay focused on schoolwork and is super easy to use.

— Saidee Danielle
I love this extension. It's perfect for what I've been looking for-being more intentional with what I spend my time on but not completely restricting.

— Cheryl Zhang
I love the minimal and simple design of this extension. It's easy to use and really helps you focus on tasks that need your attention.

— Stacey T
Despite there being a lot of similar extensions, reflect's detailing puts it on top of all of the other extensions I've used. reflect simplifies productivity and mindfulness in a world where accessibility is prioritized in clutter and distraction.

— Cherrilynn Lele Zhang
reflect does everything you need without it being too confusing to pick up on your first go! It's simple and easy-to-understand UI makes it the perfect addition for anyone who wants to take that one extra second to mind themselves to be intentional about what they're doing!

— Anne G
I love this extension! In my experiences with other extensions it has not been enough to simply block or "pause" websites that you are trying to refrain from to increase productivity. Having to justify the reason why you are visiting a site is enough to help me snap back to doing productive work.

— Lukas Bauer
ready to reclaim your productivity? join us in our mission to help people work distraction-free with more intention and purpose.

4.93 stars. 750+ active users.

latest release.
what's changed.
- add option to block exact website URL (e.g. google.com/search?q=)
- treat subdomains as separate websites when blocking sites (e.g. if meet.google.com is blocked, google.com and mail.google.com will not be blocked)
- enable keyboard shortcuts to toggle blocking with Ctrl+Shift+O (customizable in settings)
commit: 37b4b65
see all releases.
no we don't. all data (e.g. blocked sites, settings, browsing history) remains on your local browser or is synced to your Chrome or Firefox account. it is impossible for us to access that data. we do, however, collect internal analytics data such as how many people visit the site but none of it is personally identifiable information.
to help figure out what to count as 'productive' or not, we trained a machine learning model on survey data that we collected a few months back. you can find the details on our intent classification repository. as a result, there are no 'magic words' that let you in every time. what we have noticed is that the algorithm prefers longer and more specific answers oriented around some kind of work or just taking a break.
as reflect is an open-source project, anyone can help to contribute! we keep the source code in three separate repositories; one for the intent classifier, chrome extension, and this website. we will be adding more detailed contribution guides as time goes on, but feel free to make a pull request on any of them and we will review them.
help improve reflect.
did an intent not work as you expected it to? our algorithm isn't perfect! if you'd like to help improve it, you can submit the example on our feedback form and tell us what you expected to happen.
we're always looking for more ways to improve reflect. if you’d like to suggest anything, please reach out at [email protected].