latest release.
what's changed.
- add option to block exact website URL (e.g.
- treat subdomains as separate websites when blocking sites (e.g. if is blocked, and will not be blocked)
- enable keyboard shortcuts to toggle blocking with Ctrl+Shift+O (customizable in settings)
commit: 37b4b65
previous releases.
what's changed.
- various developer experience fixes (migration to SCSS and better use of modules)
- 3D blobs option
- ability to customize block message
- improve onboarding page to enable setting initial configuration
commit: 21a44ca
what's changed.
- made background script persistent again (should solve NLP model input delay issues on block page)
commit: 9e6bd97
what's changed.
- changed block screen to have dynamically generated blobs! they can be disabled in options if needed
- remove support for firefox. details
- add whitelist for common link wrappers like
- fixed bug where blocked pages that were open before reflect is turned off, dont get refreshed when reflect is turned back on
- manifest defined css injection rather than head forced
- update dependencies with vulnerabilities
commit: aa053fa
what's changed.
- qol: check whether current page needs to be blocked when extension is toggled on/off
- add current page display to popup
- add ability to block page from popup
- add sorting to analytics table
commit: 70310a2
what's changed.
- fixed bug where sometimes intents were not being logged
- fixed bug where extension would toggle off after successful intent
commit: b05203f
what's changed.
- retrained nlp model on augmented data (general robustness improvements)
- added analytics panel in options page that shows previous input intents
- changed on/off toggle out for a popup panel
commit: 54aa72d
what's changed.
- added redirect to onboarding screen on extension install
- added redirect to changelog on extension update (this page!)
- added redirect to uninstall survey on extension uninstall
- added status badge displaying how long you have left before page is re-blocked
commit: 5a1b59d
what's changed.
- styled options page
- added option to customize amount of time to block for
- fixed bug where pages would still be usable after whitelist expires
- added some subtle drop shadows in places
commit: 4d6dc21
what's changed.
- move everything to tensorflow.js
- remove delay from server requests
- fully offline (everything stays local!)
commit: ceb4fcd
what's changed.
- use new prod-ready gke address
- added better messaging for errors/timeout
commit: a3fb377
what's changed.
- added autofocus to input field
- removed annoying dropdown menu thing
- added visual feedback (textbox shake + 'connecting...' text)
- other behind the scenes cool stuff
commit: 93240f7